now i bloody lost any respect of anyone who is a bloody person who looks like 'HIM"!!!!!!!
i say no more and please do not ask
it's a little too personal......
ah well at least the second part of school was fun again^^
mr ow had a lesson with us and it just went by so quickly and ms koh brought us to the library to read books and she shared some books with us
wait a minute i'm becoming a nerd X.X(noooooooo........)JOKING^^
went home straight after school so nothing much today just trying to as faithful to blogging as much as i can like me last time^^
sry no pics today :P
It is mostly about my life(plenty of complains)and my thoughts ON my life and the few people in it... or in general... so if any of my words have offended you I apologise
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
WAHHH!!!!! JACK BULLY ME!!!!!!!!!(he erased my picture i took of him in secret^^)(all fun^^)
the pics i took at McDonald were erased by him T.T well he didn't allow me too but it's for fun and now he owes me $0.50 it's still money ^^
well overall the day was fun^^ and as usual only the second half of school was good^^
hated the second period as always and loved Mr Ow's class^^ "THE SHIT DIGRAM" XD!!!!
finally got the time to go cycling further today and the sunset today was awesome!!!XD pictures to see!!!!

the pics i took at McDonald were erased by him T.T well he didn't allow me too but it's for fun and now he owes me $0.50 it's still money ^^
well overall the day was fun^^ and as usual only the second half of school was good^^
hated the second period as always and loved Mr Ow's class^^ "THE SHIT DIGRAM" XD!!!!
finally got the time to go cycling further today and the sunset today was awesome!!!XD pictures to see!!!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
weird day
okay today was really weird
in the morning i was in a really bad mood and loads of things happened mostly because of class hated the first half especially the second lesson but the 3rd and 4th was just because of my luck =.=
loved every period until the end of today even after school and for once ms koh was fun like a friend making fun of each other but serious and most importantly fun loved the surrounding cause, prefix forgot the 'R' one and 'PS' but the best was making a sentence to remember " Some Crazy Potato Roast People" no 'S' at the end though
don't know why i suddenly talked about class......
after school was fun fun fun!!! Jaslyn Tania and me went to McDonald's to eat and we met some HI students they were fun and we kinda had a food fight^^ loved it one of them the one wearing topaz was the one i had the fight with and i'm positive guys will be guys HI but still say "F**K OFF" sorry about that ^^
all joking not one word really made me angry just for the perfect excuse of joking^^(i have no idea why i said this) well met a few little boys today all so cute and the three crazy girls( ME, TANIA and JASLYN) made ourself laugh till our heads rolled off( not literally^^) some picture to end this post^^
the guys topaz guy (sorry don't know your name) and jack
this is ryan we had given a free few minute job of babysitting^^
look he's so wanted^^ XD
i'm planning to steal her candy^^(SHHHHHHH.......)
in the morning i was in a really bad mood and loads of things happened mostly because of class hated the first half especially the second lesson but the 3rd and 4th was just because of my luck =.=
loved every period until the end of today even after school and for once ms koh was fun like a friend making fun of each other but serious and most importantly fun loved the surrounding cause, prefix forgot the 'R' one and 'PS' but the best was making a sentence to remember " Some Crazy Potato Roast People" no 'S' at the end though
don't know why i suddenly talked about class......
after school was fun fun fun!!! Jaslyn Tania and me went to McDonald's to eat and we met some HI students they were fun and we kinda had a food fight^^ loved it one of them the one wearing topaz was the one i had the fight with and i'm positive guys will be guys HI but still say "F**K OFF" sorry about that ^^
all joking not one word really made me angry just for the perfect excuse of joking^^(i have no idea why i said this) well met a few little boys today all so cute and the three crazy girls( ME, TANIA and JASLYN) made ourself laugh till our heads rolled off( not literally^^) some picture to end this post^^

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
true i don't enjoy most of my life and the times it goes down hill BUT!!! when you have friends like JASLYN and TANIA you will never feel bored^^
that's what i'm gonna say to all those who think i'm gonna commit suicide by cutting myself, i won't name those who say that^^ first of all i don't cut myself, second i won't commit suicide^^ reason.....
having friends like TANIA and JASLYN every minute together is never boring (okay maybe one or two) but the rest of the time it's fun^^ we don't behave like most girls do, (not an insult!!!) we are all so act drama kind we have very 'creative minds' (guess what i mean^^) and we all experience loads of danger^^ (went to a restricted zone^^) don't tell ( shhhhh.......)
the day has been a blast and the pictures we took ended up almost one gig(WOAH!!!!)
keeping the days alive with some pictures^^

true i don't enjoy most of my life and the times it goes down hill BUT!!! when you have friends like JASLYN and TANIA you will never feel bored^^
that's what i'm gonna say to all those who think i'm gonna commit suicide by cutting myself, i won't name those who say that^^ first of all i don't cut myself, second i won't commit suicide^^ reason.....
having friends like TANIA and JASLYN every minute together is never boring (okay maybe one or two) but the rest of the time it's fun^^ we don't behave like most girls do, (not an insult!!!) we are all so act drama kind we have very 'creative minds' (guess what i mean^^) and we all experience loads of danger^^ (went to a restricted zone^^) don't tell ( shhhhh.......)
the day has been a blast and the pictures we took ended up almost one gig(WOAH!!!!)
keeping the days alive with some pictures^^
Friday, March 14, 2008
something is here!!!^^
FINALLY!!!! the push i really need to get my head really back from the cloud of thoughts!!!!
there's a anime thing like a concert i think a vivo today and tomorrow, i can only go today but i'm really looking forward to it!!!^^
wish my friends from school could come though they all have something to do -.-'''
i really want to know how many people would show up and today seem to be the only day i can stay out later than usual so i'm definitely staying longer there^^
if anyone who reads this don't nderstand what i'm saying go to this site
hope it clears things up^^
i'll post later today about the event^^
there's a anime thing like a concert i think a vivo today and tomorrow, i can only go today but i'm really looking forward to it!!!^^
wish my friends from school could come though they all have something to do -.-'''
i really want to know how many people would show up and today seem to be the only day i can stay out later than usual so i'm definitely staying longer there^^
if anyone who reads this don't nderstand what i'm saying go to this site
hope it clears things up^^
i'll post later today about the event^^
oh i don't want anything bad, i just really want something to happen right now to get stuff out of my head NOW!!!
i'm getting lost and confused easily right now, my heads not in anything i do i want something to happen to get it back in!!!!
i'm not bored, actually i'm anything except bored, i'm actually hoping that things would really slow down.
this week i've done so many things i really want to do for this whole entire year i guess my head and all it's thoughts are back on earth^^ still not done yet though, the list of things i really want to do(too many^^)
my thought's on the previous entry didn't seem to be forgotten so i want something bigger to stop me from thinking all these thoughts(maybe that isn't a good idea though)
well school's starting soon and i haven't finish my lead homework, i'm gonna die >< better get started already!!! OI!!!! PEOPLE IN 3E5 OF 2008 IF YOU'RE READING THIS START DOING YOUR HOMEWORK!!!
a.r i promise you i'll cheer up,one day of scolding from you is enough -.-''', thanks for accompanying me today and thanks for the gift i loved it^^
oh i don't want anything bad, i just really want something to happen right now to get stuff out of my head NOW!!!
i'm getting lost and confused easily right now, my heads not in anything i do i want something to happen to get it back in!!!!
i'm not bored, actually i'm anything except bored, i'm actually hoping that things would really slow down.
this week i've done so many things i really want to do for this whole entire year i guess my head and all it's thoughts are back on earth^^ still not done yet though, the list of things i really want to do(too many^^)
my thought's on the previous entry didn't seem to be forgotten so i want something bigger to stop me from thinking all these thoughts(maybe that isn't a good idea though)
well school's starting soon and i haven't finish my lead homework, i'm gonna die >< better get started already!!! OI!!!! PEOPLE IN 3E5 OF 2008 IF YOU'RE READING THIS START DOING YOUR HOMEWORK!!!
a.r i promise you i'll cheer up,one day of scolding from you is enough -.-''', thanks for accompanying me today and thanks for the gift i loved it^^
Thursday, March 13, 2008
i'm not sure
i'm really not sure about my life right now,nothing seem to be going well these days a few days of non-blogging and everything has gone terribly wrong -.-'''
can't handle things right now and i just argued with my friend over the stupidest things shouted at someone i should not have and slapped one of my closest friends....
i'm so full of regret right now i wanna whack myself so hard i forget it!!!!
I don't think she'll forget it -.-'''
sometimes i hate myself, no wait i really hate myself.......
i made myself an enemy of loads of people in my class(tuition class)
mostly girls -.-'''
i really hate myself...... -.-'''
(sorry i'm just getting rid of anger/regret right now)
oh by the way thanks Zheng wei i really needed that i feel way better, thanks
a.r thanks really, i'll get over it thanks.I really feel better ,i'm serious, you and zheng wei really helped me.
can't handle things right now and i just argued with my friend over the stupidest things shouted at someone i should not have and slapped one of my closest friends....
i'm so full of regret right now i wanna whack myself so hard i forget it!!!!
I don't think she'll forget it -.-'''
sometimes i hate myself, no wait i really hate myself.......
i made myself an enemy of loads of people in my class(tuition class)
mostly girls -.-'''
i really hate myself...... -.-'''
(sorry i'm just getting rid of anger/regret right now)
oh by the way thanks Zheng wei i really needed that i feel way better, thanks
a.r thanks really, i'll get over it thanks.I really feel better ,i'm serious, you and zheng wei really helped me.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
catching up!!!!
i missed loads of days of blogging maybe a week or two and loads of things happened^^
both good and bad....
i missed blogging actually wanted to blog a few times but wasn't feeling well -.-'''
i didn't miss school but i wished i did on Thursday, it was meet the parents day.....
i really hated that day it really SUCKS!!!!!!
i missed loads of days of blogging maybe a week or two and loads of things happened^^
both good and bad....
i missed blogging actually wanted to blog a few times but wasn't feeling well -.-'''
i didn't miss school but i wished i did on Thursday, it was meet the parents day.....
i really hated that day it really SUCKS!!!!!!