Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Things I never expected

Never thought i would say this, but I never knew that what people think of me with just a single picture is really... Awkward, for me...
Never thought that the image I portray to others is always so different from the way I think of myself.
But never thought that I would regret meeting new people never thought the day would come, but i also never thought that i would be able to easily brush it all off so easily.
I guess I have changed... Never expected it to happen.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Unseen, Uncoloured, Unknown

I'm tired, it's frustrating, this isn't a play I want to be a part of, a my life with no change in my role. I want to scream at the top of my lungs, scream at everyone, Anyone, "I am here!" I want them to look at me and only me not what they they heard, not what they see but what is right there.
"No matter how many years would have passed, I would still be the same at heart,
All the good, all the bad, all the still time and finally all the dreams out of my reach. 
Weighing our lives like it's a competition, when in reality it never mattered,
It's colourless where I am, the occasional coloured smears eventually disappears,
leaving me in that room, waiting for the darkness, waiting for the sun, waiting forever on."