this day is the best day of my life!!!!^^
at school things get really REALLY good!!!! although there was this fire alarm BUT!!!!! i get to meet him^^ not only that during recess i got to meet him today and he actually said 'hi!!' (i know i'm really really stupid and crazy but still^^) today was total defense day and the school was selling different kinds of porridge at every single store and all of them made different things and loads of people said that stall 6(the malay store) was the best i didn't actually try it though i had a 'fun-fit programme) it's actually TAF but the teachers wanted us to go so it's called that now, (it does not work^^)
anyway the game we played during this programme was badminton but we played punishment badminton so if you miss,^^ do one push-up ^^ i got a few times but still it's fun like getting back at others and such^^ i laughed throughout the whole game^^ after school there was dance and i kinda saw him again when i was going to go somewhere(it's a secret^^) i said hi this time and he just smiled but still ^^ went to choir just before dancce started and i talked to yu ting we had loads in common like the taste in guys but she didn't like him (lucky^^)
we sort of laughed at each other but it's just plain fun^^
i got to remember all the new sec one dance members' names and trust me it was not easy....
went home and my brother let me have his bicycle to use anytime i want unless he wants to use it.....
then i met my friend in the park he was practicing his song,(he's a trumpeter, he kinda looks cool when he plays^^) the song was a japanese song by yui, called life and it's my fave^^ he asked me to sing along kinda nervous when i first started then i got used to it then i sang really loud ^^ kinda embarrassing when we ended there was so many people staring and a couple just came up to us and said it's really nice, i was so shocked and really happy^^ i din't think i could sing well at all....
oh i nearly forgot, after dance the garnet choreographer i still forgot her name taught me some of her dance moves and i even asked her to be my teacher^^ she said she doesn't mind and said that i meet her at toa payoh stadium tomorrow for garnet's cheer and she'll teach me there^^ i'm so there!!!!
oh forgot again didn't cycle for so long so i got tired but when i got to west coast park the place changed loads and the view is awesome got some pictures please check it out ^^
nice?? the boats made it look better^^
the boats were a little old but it's a really nice view^^
it's still the sea but there;s still construction so this is going to get better^^
this was the inside of the park,people playing soccer there, i sang here with my friend accompanying me too^^
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