Tuesday, March 25, 2008

weird day

okay today was really weird
in the morning i was in a really bad mood and loads of things happened mostly because of class hated the first half especially the second lesson but the 3rd and 4th was just because of my luck =.=

loved every period until the end of today even after school and for once ms koh was fun like a friend making fun of each other but serious and most importantly fun loved the surrounding cause, prefix forgot the 'R' one and 'PS' but the best was making a sentence to remember " Some Crazy Potato Roast People" no 'S' at the end though
don't know why i suddenly talked about class......

after school was fun fun fun!!! Jaslyn Tania and me went to McDonald's to eat and we met some HI students they were fun and we kinda had a food fight^^ loved it one of them the one wearing topaz was the one i had the fight with and i'm positive guys will be guys HI but still say "F**K OFF" sorry about that ^^

all joking not one word really made me angry just for the perfect excuse of joking^^(i have no idea why i said this) well met a few little boys today all so cute and the three crazy girls( ME, TANIA and JASLYN) made ourself laugh till our heads rolled off( not literally^^) some picture to end this post^^

the guys topaz guy (sorry don't know your name) and jack
this is ryan we had given a free few minute job of babysitting^^
look he's so wanted^^ XD
i'm planning to steal her candy^^(SHHHHHHH.......)

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