Thursday, January 31, 2008

tiring day ^^

it's tiring today but worth it the class decorations are getting better and better tomorrow's the last day for final touch up so i stayed in school today with some people until 7 Eugene came today but i don't really know him that well he kinda helped the class actually i sort of forced it on him ^^ he's not as scary as what people say he is he's quite nice and today we got bored of the silence so Wilfred used his hand phone to play music using Jeremy's wire it was fun we even got other class people to help^^ this is called manupliating help^^(hope spelling is right^^) not forcing help^^
what's even better is that we got along better people got interested in the class and we got to know each other better ^^ it's the most rewarding kind of competition^^
well today my friend Z.W told me he likes a girl so i told him about the person i like and he told me to confess on valentines' day and if i did he would confess to the girl he likes now^^ sort of stressful but i agreed because he said he would tell me who it was on that day....(he likes to make use of others^^ not so bad though^^ cranking jokes is more like it^^) maybe i should should i???

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